Turks and Caicos Private Security Services

The luxury tourism industry and population of the Turks and Caicos is rapidly expanding. As such, demand for security services is likewise increasing.
Security Guards
The majority of local security companies in the Turks and Caicos offer uniformed and plain clothes security officers. These are available for hire by local businesses, residents, and visitors. Per-hour and daily rates are available for short-term and special events, in addition to the typical commercial contracts.
When renting a luxury vacation villa, 24-hour security won’t add much to the rate, and will provide peace of mind. Some of the residential regions in Providenciales have private security patrols, as well as CCTV systems.
Drivers and VIP Transport
For visitors, an option is a driver and security guard, which provides stress-free transport during the entirety of your stay.
With a driver, you’ll have a tour guide and taxi driver in one, and you won’t have to worry about parking.
Special Events
When hosting a large event such as a wedding, party, or corporate conference, security can assist with admittance, keep the peace, and oversee valet services.
VIP Protection and Security
In special cases, or in the case of official visits by foreign members of state or government, approval may be granted by the Commissioner of the Royal Turks and Caicos Police Force for foreign security to operate in the Turks and Caicos. To prevent delays and other issues, we advise contacting the police well in advance of the planned visit.
Security officers trained in VIP protection are offered, albeit at a higher rate than for a typical security guard.
Aircraft and Yachts
The Turks and Caicos welcomes a large number of private jets and luxury yachts. Our FBOs and larger marinas have full-time security on-site, yet extra personnel can be arranged if a closer watch is preferred.
Prior to reserving with a company, we advise contacting your port or FBO of choice, as they are often able to offer security officers for a specific vessel if required.
Security System Installation
The installation, maintenance, and monitoring of electronic security, CCTV, and alarm systems, both for structures and construction sites, is offered, and can be set to be monitored by the homeowner or security company.
There isn’t an extensive selection of system equipment available on-island. As systems evolve rapidly, it may make sense to import security equipment when building a home.
Armored Transport
There are several armored truck and hardened luxury transport vehicles in the Turks and Caicos, available for VIP escort, cash, and valuable item transport.
Construction Site Monitoring
Live monitoring by video of building sites is another service offered by some of the local security companies. This service will help to prevent material theft, tampering, and vandalism.